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Ahlsell acquires Finnish facility management company Malkit Oy

Ahlsell has signed an agreement to acquire all shares in Malkit Oy, who specializes in facility management products and facility security services. The company’s turnover amounts to EUR 7.3 million.

Through five stores located in the Helsinki region and Turku, Malkit provides its customers a complete range of facility management and maintenance products as well as facility security services. Malkit also adds value to its customers through its well-known expertise and high-quality customer service.

The acquisition of Malkit is an important reinforcement of Ahlsell’s facility management and maintenance segment. It will bring new expertise to the company, expand the customer base, and increase the number of locations in the Helsinki and Turku area.

Malkit’s customers will benefit from the synergies of a Ahlsell’s strength, such as a significantly wider product range and a broader logistics offering.

Malkit will continue to operate under its own brand, as part of the Ahlsell Group.

The transaction is expected to be completed at the beginning of November.

For more information please contact:
Claes Seldeby, Group CEO, Ahlsell AB
Tel. +46-8-685 70 00, email: claes.seldeby@ahlsell.se


Ahlsell is present where people reside, work and live their lives. Ahlsell is the Nordic region’s leading distributor of installation products, tools and supplies for installation, construction, real estate management, industrial and power companies and the public sector.

With an annual turnover of more than 40 billion SEK, some 6,000 employees, more than 240 stores, e-commerce and three central warehouses, we deliver on our promise to our customers, every day: Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional.

For more information please visit www.ahlsell.com

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