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Competition Authority approves Ahlsell's acquisition of the Finnish company Kojaltek OY

Ahlsell's acquisition of Kojaltek OY on 3 May has been approved by the Finnish Competition Authority. Kojaltek is a leading player on the Finnish market within the product areas of tools and machinery together with other industrial equipment.

The company has an annual turnover of about EURO 25 million, about 100 employees and has some ten establishments throughout Finland.

" This acquisition gives Ahlsell an entry onto the Finnish market for tools and machinery where we are establishing ourselves as a leading player." says Göran Näsholm, President and CEO of Ahlsell.

After the acquisition, Ahlsell's Finnish operations will turn over more than EURO 200 million and will employ some 400 people.

For further information, please contact Göran Näsholm, President and CEO, or Camilla Weiner,
CIO, on 08-685 70 00.

This press release may be viewed on Ahlsell's homepage: www.ahlsell.com


Melding fra Ahlsell

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