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Ahlsell invests in its Norwegian logistics operations

Ahlsell’s decision to make a major investment in the Norwegian logistics operations is based on strong confidence in the future and further growth ambitions.

Ahlsell’s logistics centre at Gardermoen is the heart of the Group’s Norwegian operations. Today’s facility covers more than 100,000 square metres with a high degree of automation. With 250 employees, Ahlsell is a significant employer in the municipality.

Ahlsell has experienced strong growth since the 2010 establishment of the logistics centre in Gardermoen. In order to manage further growth, Ahlsell will establish a new facility in the same geographical area, Holmenga in Eidsvoll municipality. The new facility will cover 160,000 square metres and have the capacity to handle twice the current volume.

By building new, it will be possible to further refine efficient production methods adapted to today’s technical possibilities. Another important aspect is that the ambition with the new facility is that it will produce more energy than it consumes. Work is already underway on the site and the new logistics centre is esitmated to be commissioned in 2026/27.

"We continue to develop our current successful business and secure the expansion for a continuously offensive Ahlsell. By developing the business in Holmenga, we create additional value for our customers and suppliers. This decision is in line with our value proposition to make our customers’ everyday business easier," says Runar Hansesætre, CEO of Ahlsell Norway.

Logistic Contractor AS has been commissioned to build the facility and a 15-year lease agreement has been signed. Yearly rent amounts to approximately NOK 80 million. In addition, Ahlsell will invest NOK 400 million in equipment.

For more information please contact:
Claes Seldeby, President and CEO, Ahlsell AB
Tel. +46-8-685 70 00, email: claes.seldeby@ahlsell.se


Ahlsell is the leading Nordic distributor of installation products, tools and supplies addressing installers, contractors, facility managers, industry, energy companies and the public sector.

With an annual turnover of approximately 50 billion SEK, almost 8,000 employees, more than 300 stores, e-commerce and four central warehouses, we deliver on our promise to our customers, every day: Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional.

Read more on www.ahlsell.com

Melding fra Ahlsell

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