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Vi utfører planlagt vedlikehold av våre baksystemer og nettbutikken vil derfor ikke være tilgjengelig lørdag 25/1 kl. 08-09 og søndag 26/1 kl. 08-14


Ahlsell strengthens its position in the industrial sector in Norway by acquiring Alf I. Larsen

Ahlsell Norge AS has entered into an agreement to purchase all shares in Alf I Larsen AS, with the purpose of strengthening Ahlsell’s position within the industrial segment in Norway. Alf I. Larsen has 44 employees and sales in 2023 amounted to 164 MNOK.

For over 75 years, Alf I. Larsen has been a safe and reliable supplier in the areas of metalworking, workshop equipment, workshop fittings, transmissions and machinery. They are also a major distributor of ball and roller bearings. The company adds a unique product and market expertise with a strong customer focus. They are known for providing excellent service and availability through their sales force and online store, as well as fast delivery and 24/7 customer support.

Alf I. Larsen demonstrates a clear sustainable commitment including the best available technology and products that ensure that production processes are optimized. Thus, contributing to reduced energy consumption, increasing the use of environmentally friendly products, as well as the service life of machines and equipment.

The acquisition is subject to the approval of the competition authorities.

For more information please contact:
Claes Seldeby, Group CEO, Ahlsell AB
Tel. +46-8-685 70 00, email: claes.seldeby@ahlsell.se

Press release, Stockholm, 17 April 2024


Ahlsell is the leading Nordic distributor of installation products, tools and supplies addressing installers, contractors, facility managers, industry, energy companies and the public sector.

With an annual turnover of approximately 50 billion SEK, almost 8,000 employees, more than 300 stores, e-commerce and four central warehouses, we deliver on our promise to our customers, every day: Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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