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Ahlsell acquires Prevex

Ahlsell has acquired all shares of the company Prevex AB. The company's turnover 2015 amounts to approximately SEK 350 million.

Prevex is a specialized hardware store chain for professionals, with a strong market position in Gothenburg and Malmö where they operate from three well-located stores. The company has 102 employees and sells mainly to local construction and rental companies.

"Gothenburg and Malmö with surroundings are important growth markets for Ahlsell and the acquisition strengthens our position in these regions. Prevex has been successful in recent years, and together we will continue that journey”, says Johan Nilsson, Group CEO of Ahlsell.

Prevex will continue to operate under its own brand and its own organization. The management, which stays in the company, sees great opportunities to further develop Prevex with the support of Ahlsell's wide range assortment and powerful purchasing and logistics function.

"We have been looking for an owner who can help develop the company industrially, and with Ahlsell as owners we can strengthen Prevex market position even more by offering our customers new logistics and distribution solutions”, says Conny Holmberg, CEO of Prevex.

The deal is subject to regulatory approval and is expected to close in August.

For further information contact:
Johan Nilsson, Group CEO Ahlsell AB, +46-8-685 70 00


Ahlsell is the Nordic region's leading trading company in installation products and tools & machinery. It offers a wide range of products and services to professional users in the segments of HVAC, electrical, refrigeration, construction, tools and machinery. The Group has an annual turnover of approx. SEK 23 billion and about 4,800 employees.

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