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Correction of press releaseAhlsell acquires CJ Järn & Maskin

Ahlsell has signed an agreement to acquire all shares in CJ Iron & Maskin AB. The company has annual net sales of approximately SEK 47 million and 18 employees (and NOT as previously announced SEK 47 billion).

The family owned business CJ Järn & Maskin was founded in 1870 and offer a wide range of tools, machinery, personal protective equipment and industrial supplies for the professional market. Operations are situated in Vårgårda, with a branch in Vara. CJ Järn & Maskin has a strong position in the region with customers mostly within the industry segment. The company has until October 2016 been an independent partner of Tools reseller chain.

"The acquisition of CJ Järn & Maskin adds valuable customers and strengthens our position in the region. The branch in Vårgårda will be remodelled into an Ahlsell Branch and the assortment range will be complemented with Ahlsell's other products within HVAC & Plumbing and Electricals. We see good opportunities for cross-selling to mainly industrial customers", says Johan Nilsson, President and CEO of Ahlsell AB (publ).

Closing is expected to early May and the acquisition is expected to have a marginally positive impact on the Ahlsell’s result per share for 2017.

For further information, contact:
Johan Nilsson, President and CEO of Ahlsell AB (publ), +46 8 685 70 00
Anna Oxenstierna, Head of Investor relations, +46 708 15 84 85


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