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Vi utfører planlagt vedlikehold av våre baksystemer og nettbutikken vil derfor ikke være tilgjengelig lørdag 25/1 kl. 08-09 og søndag 26/1 kl. 08-14


Ahlsell's acquisition of NEA Elmateriel AB

The Swedish Competition Authority has decided to approve the acquisition.

"This means that starting in September, we can begin discussions on how we in the best possible way, from a customer as well as a personnel perspective, can begin integration of the organization," says CEO Göran Näsholm in a comment on the decision.

Questions related to this information can be answered by CEO Göran Näsholm at +46-708-23 71 00 or goran.nasholm@ahlsell.se.

Ahlsell is the leading technical commercial company in the Nordic countries in installation products, tools and machinery. Ahlsell offers professional users a wide range of goods and peripheral services in the product areas of heating, ventilation and sanitation, electrical, tools and machinery, and refrigeration. The group has annual sales of approximately SEK 20 billion and about 4,500 employees.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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