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Mikael Sundström new Country Manager for Ahlsell Sverige

Mikael Sundström has been appointed Country Manager for Ahlsell Sverige. He will assume his new role on 1 October 2022. He will be part of Ahlsell’s Group Management.

Mikael joins the company from Hultafors Group, where he has the role of Executive Vice President with responsibility for brands such as Snickers Workwear, Solid Gear, and Toe Guard. Prior to that, he worked at Ericsson and ASSA ABLOY in various management positions. His track record ranges from large international companies to entrepreneurial companies in fast-moving consumer products.

"I am pleased and proud to present our new Country Manager for Sweden. His broad experience from different industries will be of great benefit to us. I welcome Mikael to Ahlsell," says Claes Seldeby, CEO of Ahlsell AB.

For more information please contact:
Claes Seldeby, President and CEO, Ahlsell AB
Tel. +46-8-685 70 00, email: claes.seldeby@ahlsell.se


Ahlsell is present where people reside, work and live their lives. Ahlsell is the Nordic region’s leading distributor of installation products, tools and supplies for installation, construction, real estate management, industrial and power companies and the public sector. With over 6,000 employees, more than 240 stores, e-commerce and three central warehouses, we deliver on our promise to our customers, every day: Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional.

For more information, please visit www.ahlsell.com

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