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The acquisition of ViaCon VA approved by the Swedish Competition Authority

In June The Ahlsell Group entered into an agreement to acquire the water and Sewer business ViaCon VA. The Swedish Competition Authority has now approved the acquisition. Closing is expected to the beginning of November.

As communicated on June 22 Ahlsell entered an agreement to acquire a Swedish Water & Sewer business, ViaCon VA, with annual sales of approximately SEK 320 million. The agreement is structured as a transfer of assets including inventories, equipment and immaterial property related to the Water & Sewer operations and the distribution of products such as pipes, pumps, dwells, manholes, valves and fittings. The deal also includes a distribution agreement of ViaCon’s geotechnical products for use in small and medium-sized construction projects in Sweden and Norway.

The acquisition is expected to have a marginal positive impact on Ahlsell's earnings per share for 2017.

Stockholm 2017-09-29

For further information please contact:
Johan Nilsson, President and CEO
+46 8 685 70 00, Johan.Nilsson@ahlsell.se

Karin Larsson, Head of Investor relations and external communications
+46 8 685 59 24, Karin.Larsson@ahlsell.se


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