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Ahlsell AB : Johan Nilsson new CEO of the Ahlsell Group

The Ahlsell Board of Directors has appointed Johan Nilsson new CEO of the Ahlsell Group. Johan will for the time being also maintain his current responsibilities for Ahlsell's operations in Sweden, Russia and the Baltic countries.

''Johan has for a long period of time, as head of Ahlsell Sweden, the groups largest business, demonstrated excellent leadership and he has there significantly contributed to the very successful development of that business . It is therefore natural that Johan takes over after Göran Näsholm as Group CEO now that Göran after almost 17 years in the position chooses to retire", says Chairman Kenneth Bengtsson in a statement.

''We are particularly pleased that Johan will take over the position as CEO for the Ahlsell Group and continue to drive the development of the entire group drawing on the experiences he so successfully applied running the Swedish business'', says Peter Törnquist, vice Chairman of the Ahlsell Board of Directors and a representative of the principal owner of Ahlsell, CVC Capital Partners. "We would like to thank Göran Näsholm for his significant contributions to the development of Ahlsell, making it the excellent company it is today", Peter adds.

Questions related to this information will be answered by Kenneth Bengtsson, telephone 08-685 70 00 or Peter Törnquist, email ptornquist@cvc.com, telephone 08-407 87 90.

Ahlsell is the Nordic region's leading trading company in installation products and tools & machinery. It offers a wide range of products and services to professional users in the segments of HVAC, electrical, tools and machinery. The Group has an annual turnover of approx. SEK 22 billion and about 4,800 employees.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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