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Vi utfører planlagt vedlikehold av våre baksystemer og nettbutikken vil derfor ikke være tilgjengelig lørdag 25/1 kl. 08-09 og søndag 26/1 kl. 08-14


Ahlsell acquires Toivola-Team Oy

Toivola-Team Oy is a local wholesaler with business in Jyväskylä, Finland. The company sells a wide range of tools and machinery. The company has a turnover of approx. 2 MEUR.

Jyväskylä is an interesting district with good opportunities for growth. Ahlsell already has an establishment in the area. The acquisition of Toivola-Team Oy strengthens our position and profile in the region.

Questions related to this information will be answered by CEO Göran Näsholm at +46-708 23 71 00 or goran.nasholm@ahlsell.se.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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