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Ahlsell acquires four Tools & Machinery retailers in Finland

Ahlsell AB has concluded an agreement on the acquisition of four Finnish companies, Pohjan Laakeri Oy, Savon Hitsauskeskus Oy, Työkalupari Oy and Pohjari Tarvike Oy. The Family businesses, owned by the Virkkunen family, were established during the 1990s and are leading retailers in the Finnish market within the product segment of tools and machinery, and also other industrial implements. The companies have a combined annual turnover of approx. SEK 75 million and about 25 employees.

Pohjan Laakeri Oy was established in 1992 in Oulu and Pohjan Tarvike Oy in 1994, with the head office in Raahe. Savon Hitsauskeskus Oy was founded in 1997 and has its head office in Iisalmi. Työkalupari Oy was set up in 2004 through a merger of two companies with its head office in Kemi. All the companies are retailers of tools and machinery and are major players within the industrial implements sector in the Finnish market. The main customer groups are to be found within the process-, forestry- and steel industries.

"The acquisitions will provide us with access to four profitable and well established family businesses. The acquisitions further strengthen our position within the Tools & Machinery product segment in Finland, and together with the business that Ahlsell previously acquired from Kojaltek, also facilitates coordination benefits." says Göran Näsholm, President and CEO at Ahlsell.

Tommi Virkkunen, CEO at Pohjan Tarvike Oy, has been given responsibility for coordination of the operations in connection with their incorporation into Ahlsell.

For further information please contact Göran Näsholm, President and CEO on telephone number +46 (0)708-23 71 00 or Camilla Weiner, information officer, on telephone number
+46 (0)734-04 70 62.

Ahlsell is the Nordic region's largest trading company within installation products and Tools & Machinery that offers professional users a wide range of goods and peripheral services within the product segments of Heating & Plumbing, Electricity, Tools & Machinery, Refrigeration and DIY (Do-it-yourself). The group has an annual turnover of about SEK 20 billion and some 4,500 employees.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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