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Ahlsell makes additional acquisition within the Tools & Machinery sector in Finland

Ahlsell AB acquires the Finnish company TKP-tools. The company is a distributor of Tools & Machinery as well as other industrial products. TKP-tools has a total annual turnover of approximately SEK 150 million and about 45 employees.

Ahlsell AB acquires the Finnish company TKP-tools. The company is a distributor of Tools & Machinery as well as other industrial products. TKP-tools has a total annual turnover of approximately SEK 150 million and about 45 employees.

"After the acquisition, Ahlsell's total turnover within the product range of Tools & Machinery on the Finnish market will exceed SEK 500 million. We are thus establishing ourselves as the leading sector player on this market too", says Göran Näsholm, President and CEO of Ahlsell.

The customers of TKP-tools are mostly large industrial manufacturers and the company has nine outlets in south-east Finland, in the Helsinki area as well as in Kouvola, Joensuu and Lappeenranta. The company is owned by the Broman Group.

The acquisition will take effect immediately.
For further information, please contact Göran Näsholm, President and CEO, on +46708 23 71 00 or Camilla Weiner, CIO, on +46 734 04 70 62.

Ahlsell is the Nordic region's largest trading company within installation products and Tools & Machinery that offers professional users a wide range of goods and peripheral services within the product segments of Heating & Plumbing, Electricity, Tools & Machinery, Construction, Refrigeration and DIY (Do-it-yourself). The Group has an annual turnover of about 2 billion Euro and some 4,500 employees.


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