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Ahlsell acquires Swedish distributor of building and industrial supplies

Ahlsell is acquiring the Borst-Anders company from Moweco Förvaltnings AB. Borst-Anders is a distributor of tools and machines as well as other building materials and industrial supplies. The company has a total annual turnover of about SEK 160 million and 50 employees.

Borst-Anders' product range includes fixing elements, hand tools and industrial clothing. The company's main customers are within the construction sector and its operations are concentrated in the Gothenburg and Malmö regions.

"The acquisition extends Ahlsell's range of tools and machines and adds new customers within our growth segment of construction. Borst-Anders' range is a good complement to our own and also opens up opportunities for coordination gains" says Göran Näsholm, President and CEO of Ahlsell.

As the deal requires the approval of the Swedish Competition Authority, coordination of the companies will start as soon as this is obtained.

For further information, please contact Göran Näsholm, President and CEO, on +46 708 23 71 00 or Camilla Weiner, CIO, on +46 734 04 70 62.

Ahlsell is the Nordic region's largest trading company within installation products, tools and machinery. Ahlsell offers professional users a wide range of goods and peripheral services within the product segments of Heating & Plumbing, Electricity, Tools & Machinery, Construction, Refrigeration and DIY (Do-it-yourself). The Group has an annual turnover of about 2 billion Euro and some 4,500 employees. We operate in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia and Russia.


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