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Ahlsell AS streamlines its operations

Today, Ahlsell AS signed an agreement with Consorte Group ASA to sell Intelecom AS

Intelecom AS was a part of Nexans Distribusjon AS that Ahlsell acquired in summer 2005. The Communications and Services Division, that supplies advanced data and telecoms solutions, has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Ahlsell's Norwegian company since January 2006. Intelecom AS is a leading player within voice and data communications solutions on the Norwegian market. The company has more than 1,500 customers, annual turnover of approx. NOK 200 million and about 100 employees.

"As a step towards streamlining Ahlsell's Norwegian operations, Ahlsell AS has signed an agreement with Consorte for the sale of Intelecom AS. Consorte's acquisition of Intelecom is highly positive, as the latter will benefit from joining a company whose core activities are its own, and will thus obtain better conditions to develop successfully," says Göran Näsholm President and CEO of Ahlsell AB.

The sale assumes approval by the Norwegian Competition Authority.

This press release may be found on Ahlsell's home page: www.ahlsell.com

Read more about the companies on:

For further information, please contact Göran Näsholm, President and CEO, or Camilla Weiner, CIO, on +46 (0)8-685 70 00.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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